This is me now,there people look at me as ordinarry people, actually like that,not all make proper recognized,particularry being loved. But somebody praud to be my self,I don’t know why . I know affronting self is not good,not good for forming my character, and my self concept. But there is moment that I cannot get out of that.
nothing that properly to be prided upon.Which always trouble others.
Im so weary and tired with all circumstance,I very pity to see my self,not yet done anything,any good that can please others particularry the people who I loved. I tired live in the hypocrisy shadow,in the shadow of the people who recognized me even every person who know me,impressing I always reside in the shadow. Practically I only ordinary people human being,like the others. But why so hard to become the especial charactherization,even as a figuran I also refused,as a figuran I also improper to be assumed.cos I have nope any for the characterization.i only hypocrisy human being.Always wish to signalized my self, tough im very suffered,cos im always stay on the shadow of my falsehood,the falsehood with the fact of me. This is that make me cannot esteem my self what the excistence of.
I never proud for the circumstance,exactly I,m so suffering,in my mind I have the burden bounce,like now I have so much burden, fear, woory, and all of that make me to see my self in to foolish and useless.I wish better,in my age. I know that im so stupid,I are undue is true to be imitated,cos I also can’t esteem ownself,I also try become the others.
When I say about my comitmen,that’s “do the best” . “making the others happy” so far I don’t know I was do that or no.
May be is better to me to be alone,I have to decided all togethers self,I nope may except others , whoever.
During the time im too spoiled assisted so that I forgot about my self which first can be self-supporting, get mark,when i was school i can do anything what i want. school I can,particularry in my environment, possible during the time im too egoist,is too overproud to my self,and I know all that meaningless at all.